Socks in a Box: a fresh pair every morning.

Is finding a fresh pair of socks in the morning a time consuming challenge?

Tired of matching socks after the laundry?

Annoyed that individual socks constantly disappear from right under your nose?

Finally, there is a...

Solution for the sock problem! Get Started

We want you to always have a fresh pair of socks!

The reasons you should buy a box of men socks from Socks in a Box:

100% Money back guarantee Free delivery
  • You won’t need to sort socks after the laundry as all the socks are the same
  • If one sock develops a hole you won’t need to hunt down it’s twin
  • You will neither notice nor care should an individual sock disappear from right under your nose
  • Experience stress free mornings and, of course...
  • There’s nothing like that new sock feeling!

Our Socks    The Story

Time to get a perfect gift for a man!